April 28, 2022
SapereX registry launched
SapereX, a comprehensive analysis of cellular and immune senescence, is now available in select clinics as part of an IRB-approved registry of healthy aging. Participants can now track the dynamic relationship between their health actions and these pillars of healthy aging and longevity

April 27, 2022
Aging study enrolls in record time
Immense community interest fueled rapid enrollment in our natural aging study conducted in partnership with Georgia Tech and UNC. Nearly 250 patients were enrolled in under three months, a record for all partners.

April 12, 2022
SENSE study actively enrolling
The SENSE study has commenced to validate Sapere Bio's discovery that pre-treatment measurement of cellular senescence can predict the risk of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy in early stage breast cancer patients

September 15, 2021
Senescence and aging biomarkers to predict CIPN
NIA awarded Sapere Bio a $2M SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) grant to develop a clinical product to predict risk of chemothearpy-induced peripheral neuropathy using measures of cellular senescence

July 19, 2021
Natural aging study funded by NIA
In partnership with Sapere Bio, Georgia Tech and UNC were awarded a grant from NIA to design a computational model of cellular senescence dynamics across the human lifespan. Read more here

June 2021
Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA)
Sapere Bio is the sole provider of cellular senescence measurements for the longest running study of human aging, the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging led by Luigi Ferrucci and the NIA

September 7, 2020
Sapere Bio was selected by the NIH to participate and present at the RESI conference to advance commercial development of innovative technologies

August 25-27, 2020
NextGen Advancing Diagnostics Virtual Global Summit
Connect with us at NextGen Dx, promising in-depth insights from diagnostics leaders, regulators and reimbursement experts

August 24, 2020
Accelerated aging and senescence linked in childhood cancer survivors
New data from Smitherman and colleagues at UNC, utilizing Sapere Bio technology, demonstrates the role of p16 in chemotherapy-accelerated aging, frailty and sarcopenia

July 26, 2020
Sapere Bio expands headquarters in RTP, NC
Doubled office space at "Frontier" headquarters in Research Triangle Park, a entrepreneurial biotech hub

February 25, 2020
Enrollment opens for GUARD-AKI Validation Trial
Multi-site clinical trial of AKI-Sapere commences, supported by NIA Phase 2 SBIR funding

February 24-27, 2020
25th Annual AKI and CRRT Conference
Updated data presented at leading international conference on acute kidney injury

March 1, 2019
15th Annual Biomarkers in Heart Failure and ACS Conference
15th Annual Biomarkers in Heart Failure and ACS meeting in La Jolla, CA.

February 26-28, 2019
24th Annual AKI and CRRT Conference
Poster presented with new data demonstrating senescence can stratify patients by risk of AKI before either CABG or cath/PCI.

February 13, 2019
WRAL TechWire Profiles Sapere Bio

January 1, 2019
HealthSpan Dx Renamed Sapere Bio
Sapere derives from the Latin meaning "to know."
November 30, 2018
2018 Geriatric Oncology Symposium
Natalia Mitin (HealthSpan CEO), Hyman Muss, Andrew Smitherman, and Kirsten Nyrop (UNC clinicians) presented on p16 applications in oncology. More info

September 23-34, 2018
Precision Medicine World Conference 2018 Duke
Natalia Mitin, HealthSpan Dx CEO, presented "Bringing Biomarkers of Aging Into the Clinic."
October 1, 2018
HealthSpan Dx Moves to The Frontier
HealthSpan Dx tripled office and lab space with a move to custom-designed suites on the Frontier campus.