Sapere Bio is developing a series of products to optimize critical treatment decisions for patients with cancer, beginning with those at risk of treatment-induced adverse events and compromised health in survivorship
CIPN Prognostic
Sapere Bio is developing a bioprognostic to stratify patients by risk of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a painful and persistent chemo-induced adverse event
Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) affects the majority of patients treated with taxanes. CIPN can cause treatment discontinuation, potentially compromising efficacy of life-saving chemotherapy and can persist, compromising QOL in survivorship. Taxanes are widely used in breast, colon, and lung cancer patients.

CIPN prevention can be targeted
Chemotherapy may be necessary, but CIPN is not. Knowing a patient's risk of CIPN may affect treatment choices. Sapere Bio discovered that senescence can stratify early breast cancer patients by risk of CIPN. We are developing a pre-treatment prognostic so individual therapy plans can incorporate CIPN risk.
Prospective trial funded for CIPN bioprognostic development
Our products (predictive senescence-based algorithms) are derived from rigorous clinical studies and optimized for specific clinical decision points. Building upon our pilot CIPN data, we initiated an NIA-funded discovery study, SENSE, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina (UNC) and the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) to build a biprognostic for CIPN.

Oncology Pipeline
Sapere Bio has numerous collaborations exploring the potential utility of senescence measurement in hematology and oncology indications. Major collaborators include UNC, City of Hope, Kaiser Permanente, and the University of Texas at San Antonio.